Monday, July 19, 2010

Classroom Work Desk
The video is uploaded to youtube as blogger does not seem to respond to uploading it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

EQ Mindmap

Ergonomics and Anthropometry Part 1

1. Compare the two types of setup and state reasons why one of the setup is preferred.
The setup used by the man wearing a black suit is more efficient and simple to use, but the other set-up is more difficult to manage.

2. What are the area of considerations when designing a conducive and comfortable workplace?
Some of the considerations should be user-friendliness, freedom of movement, prolong use of a laptop and freedom of chair adjustment.

3. State the reasons why these considerations are important.
These considerations ensure that the user can progress with much ease.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Essential Questions

1) Are the elderly getting the attention from their family?
2) Are there enough medical facilities around the elderly neighbourhood?
3) Does the elderly have enough support in terms of economic?
4) In what way can we effectively help them
5) Are the elderly's living environment suitable for them?

I think that the three most important questions are 1, 2 and 5. The elderly should get enough attention from their family as well as care. There should also be enough medical facilities around the area in case the elderly is hurt or needs emergency medical care. The environment that the elderly live in is also a very important criteria. If the environment is very dirty and polluted, the elderly will get sick very easily. In order to have a very healthy lifestyle, the elderly should live in a very clean environment.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Understanding the 'Elderly Challenge'

1)Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
-The housing needs and functionality of it to aid elderly in their daily lifes
-The accessibility of the elderly to the environment outside their comfort zone
-To ensure health-care and elder-care services are efficient
-To let the elderly live a more healthier as well as active life, and they have goon relationships with relatives and friends around them.

2)State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly.
The report has shown that they have varied the length of land leases, so that shorter land leases will facilitate the development of retirement houses by the private sector

3)State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable
-We can top-up the Medisave accounts of the people in need so this can defray health-care costs for them
-Ensure that there are a sufficient number of doctors around the proximity to the client so that their health-care needs can be holistically taken care of

4)After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges
-I can educate the public by making short films of taking care of the elderly
-I can become an architect to design houses that fit the needs of the elderly
-I can volunteer in community work to help the elderly in the aged home.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reflection on LEAPS to NEWater Plant

1a) I learnt about how NEWater helps to filter waste water to produce clean water.
1b) What NEWater equipment is used to filter the water.
1c) About the 4 National 'Taps' and the importance of our water.

2) I have learnt two concepts of reverse osmosis and the use of ultraviolet rays.

3) Water molecules are just the right size to pass through the pores of the semi-permeable membrane while the other molecules like the bacteria and virus are too big to pass through them.

4) I can use water used to wash vegetables or rice to water the plants.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ADMT Bad Design

Source: Tam Wai Hang

Key problems of Bad Designs:
Bad Design #1: As the toilet is connected to the shower, when somebody wants to go to the toilet, the floor will be very wet and the person will slip very easily.

Bad Design #2: As both the USB ports are closely placed together in a small space, it is almost impossible to place two USB connectors at the same time. Also the cover secure located above the two USB ports will obstruct a connector for the upper port.

Solutions offered:
Bad Design #1: Rebuilding the floor is required. By placing the border ledge in between the shower and toilet.
Pros: The problem above is solved.
Cons: An extra drainage hole is required to build for the toilet area ( Standard procedures for draining excess water there ) and it costs a lot to rebuild.

Bad Design #2: A USB hub can be bought to plug into one of the ports to provide extra space ( In the video an example of a 4 USB Hub )
Pros: The problem above is solved.
Cons: A certain amount of money is spent for the USB hub.

My best sketches

In the picture:
1) Cube
2) Pyramid
3) Television
4) Cylinder
5) Sphere
6) Cone

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ADMT Photography

1) Gate corridor - vanishing point

2) Orchid - macro image
3) Basketball court - vanishing point
4) Car park - vanishing point
5) School sign - vanishing point

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Laptop bag:

  • Physical: It is useful
  • Intellectual: It can carry a laptop
  • Emotionally: It has a nice design
  • Social: Showing off

A gift:

  • Physical: The Macbook
  • Intellectual: Using it to learn
  • Emotionally: Happy
  • Social: Chatting with friends on MSN
Taking a ride in the MRT:
  • Physical: Going to tuition
  • Intellectual: I can stand as it is only 3 stops away
  • Emotionally: Quite boring
  • Social: NIL
Watching a document or a show:
  • Physical: Watching Avatar
  • Intellectual: About a war between the human and Na'vi race.
  • Emotionally: Quite realistic
  • Social: Watched it with my family

#1: Sustainable Design

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1) I think that research is about investigating deep into an object or subject.
2) It is important because by doing research, we can be able to learn more new things which we might not have known earlier.
3) We can conduct good research by having the correct materials for doing research and doing the right things when researching.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

1) To me, ADMT is about showing our skills in doing art, design, music with technology in hand.
2) It is important because without it, this world will be a place with no colour, beautiful structures and styles.
3) I wish to know how to make games using ADMT
4) This is a sketch of how a world will actually look like with no ADMT present:
People living here will now have a good living environment and still live in huts and still farm.