Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ADMT Bad Design

Source: Tam Wai Hang

Key problems of Bad Designs:
Bad Design #1: As the toilet is connected to the shower, when somebody wants to go to the toilet, the floor will be very wet and the person will slip very easily.

Bad Design #2: As both the USB ports are closely placed together in a small space, it is almost impossible to place two USB connectors at the same time. Also the cover secure located above the two USB ports will obstruct a connector for the upper port.

Solutions offered:
Bad Design #1: Rebuilding the floor is required. By placing the border ledge in between the shower and toilet.
Pros: The problem above is solved.
Cons: An extra drainage hole is required to build for the toilet area ( Standard procedures for draining excess water there ) and it costs a lot to rebuild.

Bad Design #2: A USB hub can be bought to plug into one of the ports to provide extra space ( In the video an example of a 4 USB Hub )
Pros: The problem above is solved.
Cons: A certain amount of money is spent for the USB hub.

My best sketches

In the picture:
1) Cube
2) Pyramid
3) Television
4) Cylinder
5) Sphere
6) Cone

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ADMT Photography

1) Gate corridor - vanishing point

2) Orchid - macro image
3) Basketball court - vanishing point
4) Car park - vanishing point
5) School sign - vanishing point